
September 24, 2015
Lazy cat sleepting

“So” is the new “uh”

I’m sorry to point this out, but the latest bad speech habit is the simple word, “so.” Now that I’ve mentioned it, you will notice how […]
September 1, 2015

Thinking of You

My close friend Joan came for a visit a couple of weeks ago. We’ve been getting together once or twice a year since we graduated from […]
June 23, 2015

Focus on People

How would you like to be remembered? Perhaps for sharing a bit of wisdom that opened a young professional’s eyes? That’s how I remember John Carroll, […]
February 1, 2014
Groundhog day - Phil

Groundhog Folklore. Brilliant!

Did the German settlers in Pennsylvania have any idea of the impact their localized celebration of Candelmas day would have on their community? Probably not. They […]
December 3, 2013
Happy or Sad Negative or Positive

Don’t fail to be negative

Negatives don’t come easily to me. I’m the eternal optimist and “glass half-full” kind of person. However, even I admit negatives have their place–in headlines and […]
November 1, 2013

Tweets about Halloween Are No Trick

The weather was blustery yesterday and expected to get worse as the bewitching time for all the costumed goblins and ghouls approached. In fact, the weather […]