Wiser Strategies wins NAWBO Corporate Partner of the Year Award
May 25, 2022
How to Reach People in a Professional Setting
June 22, 2022
As we all know, we cannot control everything in our lives, when it comes to professional and personal matters. One thing we cannot always control is what is posted of us or about us online.
With the rise of social media, it is becoming much more difficult to keep track of everything that is posted of ourselves online. Whether it is a friend, colleague, or someone you do not know, it is highly likely that something you do not want on the internet will surface at some point.
While it can be very stressful when this happens, you do have options. If it is someone you know, you can ask them to untag you in the photo, hide it from your profile or feed, or ask the person who posted it to delete it. You can also delete your account if you wish to do so.
If you do not know the person, you most likely will not be tagged in the photo, which makes it harder to know if something actually does end up online of you.
Although it is not ideal and may not be ethical, it is typically not illegal. In the United States specifically, the person who takes the picture is the copyright owner, therefore they are able to do with it as they please.
Some social media sites have placed limitations on posting photos with other people in them, Twitter being the strictest of them all. On Twitter, you are not allowed to post any photos without getting the consent of the other person. If you do, it is labeled as private media and not shown on people’s feeds, unless the photo was taken at a public event. All social media sites prohibit posting explicit photos.
If you are worried about maintaining your image online, there are many ways to protect your privacy. One of our biggest tips would be to make sure your account is set on private. This will not allow anyone who is not your follower to see any of your photos, whether you have posted them yourself, or you have been tagged in them. We also recommend that you change your privacy settings, if available, to receive consent before being tagged within a post.
Wiser Strategies works with clients to help maintain their image online frequently through content creation, social media planning, media relations, and crisis communication management. Reach out to us today to learn more about how businesses and people can protect their image online!