Nancy Wiser

October 5, 2016
park walkway in fall

The Darker Side of Autumn

I hate crickets! I’m a nature lover, and there are few of God’s creatures that I don’t like. Maybe I should say, to clarify, there are […]
September 11, 2016

Disbelief, shock and prayers

I was hard at work on September 11, 2001 and had no knowledge of the terror attack until calling Tom Preston. “I can’t talk,” he nearly […]
May 29, 2016

More than a race

My fondest NASCAR memory is of a race I never saw, a trip I never made, and a life that I helped enhance. Sixteen years ago, […]
May 13, 2016

The Golden Age of B.S.?

I joined 150 other public relations and marketing firm owners from across the country for the Counselors Academy Spring Conference earlier this month. Among other excellent […]
February 25, 2016

A Tale of Two Resorts

It was the quietest of times, it was the nosiest of times. It was a personal welcome, it was a cattle call. It was a subtle […]
September 24, 2015
Lazy cat sleepting

“So” is the new “uh”

I’m sorry to point this out, but the latest bad speech habit is the simple word, “so.” Now that I’ve mentioned it, you will notice how […]
September 1, 2015

Thinking of You

My close friend Joan came for a visit a couple of weeks ago. We’ve been getting together once or twice a year since we graduated from […]
June 23, 2015

Focus on People

How would you like to be remembered? Perhaps for sharing a bit of wisdom that opened a young professional’s eyes? That’s how I remember John Carroll, […]