Looking for Editing services?
Wiser Strategies has full audio and video editing and capabilities, which you can tap to put your clips to better use. We charge by the hour and will give you an estimate once we have received your submission, which will give us an idea of the time it will take to create your desired production.
For example, do you have smart phone footage of a company celebration that you’ve never used? A professionally developed corporate video that is outdated or too long by today’s standards? A sound clip from an inspiring speech? Video that is too dark? Photos of employees or completed projects that can be used together to tell a story? We can give them a new life.
We gather your info from the online submission form below and edit it with your preferred music choice, video editing style, deadlines and custom post-effects or SFX.
Submit your fun, motivating, or inspiring materials today. It’s quick, easy and cost effective.