As a growing construction company, Deanbuilds must compete for most of the business opportunities it seeks, often against larger operations. With decades of experience, executives knew they were on par with or superior to other firms but weren’t quite breaking through to win bigger projects with some coveted companies and institutions. Deanbuilds partnered with Wiser Strategies to design more dynamic proposals with content that sets them apart and to excel during presentations.
Wiser Strategies joins the Deanbuilds executive team as it prepares for and outlines proposals. Using templates we designed for them, we customize each proposal for the required elements of the RFP as well as features that enhance it, such as images and content. When they are selected in the top three, we assist with presentation design and content preparation and coach the team as they practice. When appropriate, we participate in their presentation to manage technology or discuss communications.

Deanbuilds began gaining positive feedback on its materials and presentations soon after working with us. The company has since broken into a new level of construction projects and won business with its targeted customers. This has enabled them to exceed growth projections during the past several years.